
Cosmetic & Wellness Injections


Neurotoxin Injections (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin & Jeaveau)

$9-$10 per unit 30 Minutes

Neurotoxins are used to relax the hyper-dynamic facial muscle that commonly causes fine lines and wrinkles that form over time from persistent contraction. Dosing will vary depending on the product used, budget, and client expectations.


Dermal Fillers

$375-$650 - 45 Minutes

Fillers are used to create volume where volume has been lost due to aging. Typical areas where fillers are used include cheeks, lips, tear troughs, and smile lines. Fillers are also beneficial to add structure to the face creating a more defined, smooth look. Schedule your consultation today to discuss areas of concern and what filler would best fit you.


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections & Microneedling

$550 – 1 hour

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), otherwise known as "liquid gold," uses your blood to increase your natural growth factors. PRP can be used alone for injections to lighten dark circles under the eyes, and minimize fine lines under the eye, above and around the lips, mid-face, jawline, neck, hands, chest, and even around crow's feet. PRP can be used with your microneedling service to speed up healing time and accelerate collagen and elastin production. 



$500 – 1 hour 

Injection made of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) intended for correction of smile lines, nasal folds, and other facial wrinkles. PLLA helps replace lost collagen in the skin, helps stimulate gradual restoration of collagen framework, and eventually is broken down by the body. Lasts over two years. A treatment regimen of SCULPTRA consists of up to 4 injection sessions scheduled 3 to 4 weeks apart.



$500– 1 hour

Fat lysis injection to permanently improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin. Also called "double chin" or "submental fat." Book a consultation to see if you're a candidate!

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